Saturday, March 5, 2011

Media Review #1: Five Minutes of Sarah Palin On FOX News

I felt weird ordering a Garden Burger at Astro but recently I got a pretty clear message from the universe to the effect of I can't really eat an animal if I don't know where it comes from.  This happened during an ayahuasca ceremony and it basically boiled down to me being "of the animal," something like that.  It was a feeling more than anything, and it's hard to put words to.  Being "of the animal," it's perfectly acceptable to me and for me to eat meat but the universe told me it really had to be meat.  It couldn't be factory farmed or gorged on that stupid patented corn they put in everything, it had to be an animal.  One that could walk around.  Just didn't feel like eating torture patties or whatever.  Chickens that are fed concrete, pigs and cattle that are fed hormones and cruelty.

I got over it, ordered the thing, and drove back home.  Wouldn't be making the stand up show after all on account of my mother-in-law being sick.  She was good for watching the baby monitor for the duration of a burger run, but little else.  So I'm listening to FOX News and Sarah Palin is being interviewed.  I tell you this stuff, I listen to with my own ears.  Palin and this anchorwoman are talking about what's going on in Libya and the anchorwoman asks "Why do you think it's taken President Obama so long to denounce Gaddafi and he asked Mubarak to step down almost immediately?  How come he seems to be more lenient with Gaddafi and Ahmadinejad than Mubarak?"

For some reason Palin didn't get the implication that the reason - duh - Obama is more lenient with Gaddafi and Ahmadinejad is because he's in their Radical Muslim Hate America Club and wants to replace the Constitution with Sharia Law.  So the anchorwoman had to ask it again.  Palin kind of figured out what she was saying the second time but still didn't answer.  She just said it "worried" her.

BOTTOM LINE: FOX News is a bunch of assholes.


  1. I finally took the Vegan plunge out of pure laziness. It is very difficult to figure out what kind of lives your meat animals had, there's so much lying and purposeful misleading! Good job mister.

  2. There's a place called Healthy Family Farms that I use at the Hollywood Farmer's Market. Though I haven't yet, you can actually go and visit the farm and have a looksee.
